May 30, 2007

Just a Fairytale...

I was sitting at the computer when SuperCeleste came back to life while chewing on her rawhide chew toy and took a flying leap and landed in my lap. She only has her super hero powers of flight when she's holding a chew toy in her mouth. Any other time, she has to have help to get up to sit on my lap. Kind of like Popeye and the spinach that he sucked through his pipe (ever notice that?). No joy unless you have either your vitamins or your magic with you.

Later, Celeste was singing in her Donald Duck voice and I sang "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" and Celeste yodeled. So we went through the Little Red Ridinghood thing...

"Oh Grandmother, what big EYES you have!", to which the wolf (Celeste) replied, "Ow Wow." "Oh, Grandmother, what big EARS you have!" "Ow Wow". "Oh Grandmother, what big TEETH you have!" And Celeste GRINNED, opened her mouth big and WIDE, showing her LACK of top front teeth, and said, "RAAAALF!"

At that point, I think Little Red Ridinghood would have been gummed to death by the Celeste wolf that lost her teeth yesterday on the chew toy.


Wondering Through Life said...

Oh my, I didn't they could lose teeth like that, I'll keep an eye on Samson. I'm sure he is at that point also. He is doing great, trying to take things he Knows aren't his, but that's out of being bored. Need to take him out and play ball again today.

I'm glad your enjoying your time with her, she and you both needed that I think !!

Love you, HUGS Lisa Catherine

Kathleen said...

I think that the teething thing is what has been causing the explosions of diarrhea, lately, anyway. Everything I've read says it doesn't work that way with puppies, but I think the losing of the teeth hurt and caused her some stress. Today, there's been no explosions. Maybe it isn't only teething that does it...just the stress.

JC said...

By 6 months all the adult teeth should be coming in. Avery is finally done. It was hard on him. He had a horrible day, followed by a day of sleep. This went on for the couple of months of teething. I use the dry pig ears to help with the need to chew, of course now he eats them instantly, now that he has his pearly whites! My experience with the GSD'S has always been, once the teeth are out and in, they start to calm down and learn faster. I hope that works for you too Kathleen. All the best. Jill