Jan 20, 2008

The Creation Of A Recipe

I've made a new recipe of garbanzo bean soup. Inspired by Capriel Pence's book, Bistro Soups and Sandwiches, I set out to replicate "Yellow Tomato and Garbanzo Bean Soup"...

Start with half a bag of dried garbanzo beans, soaked the morning in water. Capriel calls for a can of cooked garbanzo beans, but all there is in the kitchen is the dried ones, so after soaking for about 4 hours, pop them into a pot of water and set them on the stove to cook. Bring them to a boil, then go read your current novel till you smell burning beans in the kitchen. Cut off the fire and rinse the burnt beans under cool water. Transfer to a medium bowl and scrub out your cooking pot. Put a lot of water in the pot, and return the beans to the pot, too. Turn the fire on again under the beans, at a medium heat and take the dog out to pee.

When you return, cut up two over ripe roma tomatoes and toss them into the pot. Cut up some mushrooms that are beginning to smell and cook them in olive oil, then add to the cook pot with the beans and tomatoes. Cut up that extra chorizo sausage that you couldn't eat for lunch and toss it into the pot, too. Add a handful of rubbed dried oregano. Think about all those tomatoes you bought that are bound to go bad before you make a salad, and chop up three of them and throw them in with the beans mixture (that's 5 tomatoes total). Get a headache and pour yourself a glassful of white wine that's sweeter than you remembered. There's only about 1/2 cup left in the bottle, so dump that in with the beans, stir well, add a cube of chicken bouillon into the mix and stir well. Put on a cd of Fleetwood Mac. Simmer your beans until the Fleetwood Mac cd is finished. Start the cd again, sit down, and try a cup of your soup.

I just finished a cup of this, and Fleetwood Mac is singing "The Chain", Lindsey Buckingham is a little over the top, and I've also finished my glass of wine...it was too sweet, but the bean soup was good...though probably not what Capriel had in mind.


Grouse said...

I'm going to try this-
Fleetwood Mac..........memories indeed.......

Elizabethd said...

Sounds good, and unusual too. Thanks.

Rani said...

OMG! It's -12 F here (without windchill) and warm soup (and wine, of course) sound PERFECT!

Thanks for the inspiration! I'll let you know how it turns out.

Wooly Works said...

I'm so into soup right now. I'm with Rani--it's -8F here and it sounds great with maybe some moist cornbread or nice flat bread.

Kathleen said...

My basic method is "toss this in, stir and taste, toss that in, stir and taste." If it doesn't make me gag, then I go from there. it's the timing that's a killer for me. I get so wound up in other things that I often end up with smoke-flavored ingredients. But luckily, I haven't CHARRED anything, so the smoke usually just adds another dimension to the flavors.

Wooly Works said...

I just had a deja vu! The featured dog on your Wyoming adoptable pet looks just like Rosie! They say she's a pit bull terrier and her name is Bandit, but Lord! She looks for all the world like Rosie!!