Maracuyá is another fruit that I've not heard of outside of Peru, either. It has a sweet and sour flavor and is popular in ice creams, sorbets, and drinks.

We love both these fruits for breakfast! They are quite common in this area, along with giant mangoes and avocados. I'll be looking for some other unique fruits and veggies from around here, too.
I've drank guanabana juice for several times, though it was made from concentrate. I can't remember how it tasted, so I guess it wasn't anything special. I'm quite convinced that the real fruit is way better than that.
I've heard of chirimoya, but not the other.
Guanabana! Do dooo doo do dooo! Guanabana! Do dooo do dooo! (This won't make sense unless you are a Muppet's fan.)
You solved a mystery for me! In Mexico, there was guanabana sorbet, and my itsy bitsy travel Spanish dictionary did not know of such a food. I was guessing it translated to guava.
I would love a great big mango smoothie right about now!! Gorgeous socks, Kathleen!! You are some kind of knitter!
Kathleen, there's an award for you on my blog if you'd like to come get it.
I tried some amazing fruits in Peru including these. I'm afraid I can't remember the names though. It was wonderful picking the fruit straight off the tree, it tastes so much better. I'd love to go back.
I have never heard of these fruits either, they look good.
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